Invest in Ruma
Investment potentials of Ruma presented at Gelsenkirchen Forum
Representatives of the municipality of Ruma, together with the president of the municipality Sladjan Mančić, payed a working visit to Germany. They are attending the Forum wiithin ,,Municipal Partnership for Sustainability", where our municipality takes part as a partner of the city of Bersenbruck. Apart from these two towns , there are 11 joint local communities from Germany and Southeast Europe.
The project is conducted by the Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development of Germany, that deals with different approaches for achieving 17 global goals on the local level (good health care, renewable energy, gender equality, reducing disparities, etc...)
The president Mančić has presented today our municipality and has expressed plans and possibilities for its involvement in almost any strategic sphere covered by the project, especially in the sphere of economic development and environmental protection.
What is worth pointing out is that our municipality is the only one involved in this project without having at least 10 years of institutionalized partnership cooperation with some German towns. It is a great honour for our municipality as well as the result of establishing a contact and cooperation with Bersenbruck, that lasts more than a year, with the prospect of growing into fraternization.
The president of the municipality Sladjan Mančić and the mayor of Bersenbrick Horst Bayer are expected to sign tonight the Memorandum on Understanding related to the project ,,Municipal Parrtnership for Sustainability".
Representatives of our municipality shall in the following days attend the forum workshops and shall meet the representatives and participants of other towns.