Invest in Ruma
Ruma and Bersenbruck sign the Memorandum on Understanding
The Memorandum on Understanding was signed yesterday between the president of the municipality of Ruma, Sladjan Mančić, that leads the representatives of Ruma on the project forum ,, Municipal Partnership for Sustainability", the mayor of Bersenbruck dr Horst Bayer,and dr Stefan Wilhelmi, the manager of the Service company for the bodies of the local self government (SKEW , Engagement Global).
The Memorandum stipulates goals and the colaboration between the two local governmental units within the sphere of the sustainable development.
As a result of mutual efforts, the Memorandum also closely describes means of implementation of measures and future development of municipal partnership between Bersenbruck and Ruma, as well as obligations of both municipalities supported by SKEW.
Today, the representatives of the municipality of Ruma continue their work through instructional and advisory workshops of the project ,,Municipal Partnership for Sustainability".